What We Do

  1. Work with professional societies and standard setting authorities on flood projections to incorporate a “margin of safety” over the range of full-risk scenarios for SLR over the design life of the structure.

  2. Teach the new understanding of potential glacial collapse and sea level rise to architects, engineers, investors, property owners, attorneys, etc. in order to adapt while there is time to change their practices.

  3. Get building codes and land use planning changed in advance of SLR. Any buildings or infrastructure being designed or built “today”, with a design life greater than thirty years, should anticipate SLR in order to fulfill their useful life and satisfy their financing.

The Rising Sea Institute provides global leadership for understanding and adapting to the challenges of rising sea level. The Institute’s programs include:

Synthesize and share the most up-to-date and accurate scientific information regarding sea level rise projections and impacts.

Educate the professionals -urban planners, engineers, and architects – who make day-to-day decision on adapting to rising seas.

Cooperate with professional societies and standard setting authorities to encourage far-sighted building codes and land use standards that account for sea level rise risks.

Encourage and nurture businesses and organizations to become qualified to help the world adapt to and mitigate the impact of rising sea levels.

Work with the public and private sectors to advance programs and policies to assess sea level rise risks, design effective response strategies, and invest in implementing the strategies.

Offer advisory services to help individual communities evaluate sea level rise risks and develop coastal flood response strategies.

Curate an authoritative online data hub and resource library of cutting-edge scientific and social research as well as adaptation best practices on sea level rise.

Inform decision-makers and the public via the website, materials for schools, and public service videos and collaborate with select institutions, such as public aquariums.

Organize fact-finding expeditions to Greenland to witness the collapse of the great ice sheet and glaciers that are affecting global sea level.

Encourage innovative sea level rise solutions for communities, buildings and infrastructure by recognizing an individual or organization with a Sea Level Rise Adaptation Award.